I provide strategic direction to teams and steer them towards success. I practice the use of design thinking and human-centered design as I develop empathy for customers and team members. I believe in the power of adopting and leveraging digital assets and technology. By harnessing this fresh technology, we can improve efficiency, increase productivity, and achieve our goals sooner.
I am accomplished in building new ideas from the ground up – providing the foundation for long-term growth. I unite stakeholders and prepare them for change as we reimagine and redevelop existing structures and operations. Additionally, I am an effective educator and trainer with experience in Higher Education and Corporate Training. I thrive on helping others (and myself) realize their visions and dreams!
June 2017 - Present

Customer and End User Experience | Software and Data Integrations | Infrastructure Management
I develop the long-term strategic vision for technology with business-driven goals and visitor-driven experiences across the Cincinnati Museum Center and Underground Railroad Freedom Center. I advocate and collaborate across all levels of the organization to offer expertise and leadership to all things technology and digital related. These digital and technology related aspects include everything from not only traditional IT infrastructure, end-user support, software development, and hardware, but also to the guest experience, data analytics, exhibit interactives, ticketing, eCommerce and more.

DIRECTOR - Business Operations & Technology
March 2016 - June 2017

Strategic Direction & Operations | Technology Development | Revenue Generation & Financial Oversight
I managed operations for the Summer Guest Housing program, one of the largest non-tuition based revenue generating offices with a total of 1.31MM in net revenue. I directed and collaborated with multiple departments to improve operations, decrease costs, and increase net revenue. Finally, within the Student Affairs division, I survey the technology landscape, identify potential opportunities, & implement new technology.
DIRECTOR - Center for Innovation
February 2015 - March 2016

Innovation | Business Development & Operations | Partnership Engagement & Relationship Building
As a new center to the University, I was pivotal in the development of the business models for the center including 3D printing, services, and rentals. I taught Innovation techniques to our clients through training in ideation, empathy, design thinking and other methodologies. I was also a leader in the forefront of 3D printing technology helping others to understand the ecosystem. I partnered with clients in multiple industries that included Startups, BigCos, non-profits, educational providers, and government agencies. I built, developed, and maintained strong lasting relationships with these partners supporting their strategic goals as well as the overall goals of the university.
May 2006 - May 2015

Program Development & Growth | Operations | Fiscal Oversight
First offered to students as a major in 2013 and in three years time, I worked to grow the theatre degrees from its infancy to over 40 full-time majors and increased ticket revenue by185%. As co-developer of the degree, we created, compiled and presented the program proposal for two degrees. As author of the curriculum, learning outcomes, and master syllabi for eight courses, I also implemented and taught those classes. Finally, I managed the staffing and operating budgets for the department.
C-CHANGE GRADUATE - Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Member of year long leadership-development program for emerging leaders in the Cincinnati USA region.
Served as Co-chair for Ale to the Queen City Event

DESIGN THINKING - ExperiencePoint
Certified Facilitator in ExperienceInnovation™, built in collaboration with celebrated design consultancy IDEO, steps you through the essentials of a four-month innovation project in a half-day workshop.

Innovation Engineering® is a new science developed by the Eureka! Ranch, University of Maine and the Innovation Engineering Network.
It increases innovation speed up to 6x and decreases innovation risk.


BACHELORS OF ART in THEATRE - University of Dayton

"Cincinnati Museum Center, In the Palm of Your Hand" - Spring 2021
Co-author - Exhibition
Highlighting the collaborative process at Cincinnati Museum Center to transition our touchable interactives to a mobile experience our visitors. The article focuses on our process from building a strategy to implementation, as well as a strategic partnership with Digimarc.

"Bring Your Own Device and In-Hand Interactives: How Covid-19 Forced Innovation" - November 2020
Presenter - Museum Computer Network Annual Conference
In this session, we will explore the process from ideation, evaluating solutions, leveraging existing content, re-imagining the guest experience for mobile, building a new web platform, and delivering this content to our guests.

"Using 3D printing to visualize student activity in Blackboard" - May 2016
Co-presenter - OHECC Beyond the Bits Conference

Come see how the University of Cincinnati and Xavier University used 3D printing technology to visualize student activity in Blackboard courses across an entire semester. In this session, we will cover how UC extracted the underlying data from Blackboard, how it was converted to a 3D virtual model using Blender, and the collaboration between UC and Xavier to turn that data into a physical model.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR - Cincinnati Chamber Alumni Network Executive Committee
December 2016 - January 2020
Member of the executive committee and serve as Chair of Membership Subcommittee to help strengthen our region by engaging alumni in personal leadership, development, multi-directional networking, civic education and community engagement

CHAIR - Artswave Annual Campaign at Xavier University
2013 and 2014 Campaigns
Spear-headed communications and activated donations to raise ~$18,000/year from the entire Xavier University community to support Greater Cincinnati region's local arts agency and the nation's first and largest community campaign for the arts

PRESIDENT - Cincinnati Music Theatre
July 2006 - June 2012
Responsible for overseeing broad organizational operations and the overall strategic future of the organization for three consecutive terms. Under my leadership, the organizations cash & securities increased 37%, total net assets increased 24%, retained earnings/equity increased 33%

Power Tech Player – LEAD Cincinnati – 2019
40 under 40 nominee – Cincinnati Business Courier - 2018
Rising Tech Star – comSpark, Innovation Tech Summit – 2018
Provost Recognition for Exemplary Program Development - Xavier University - 2014
STAR Employee of the Quarter - City of Fairfield - 2005
Operating Systems - Windows, MAC, & Linux
Office Productivity - Expert in Word, Keynote, Pages, Powerpoint, Excel, Access & MORE
Adobe Creative Suite
Graphic Design - Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign
Video Design and DVD Authoring - Premiere & Encore
CAD Design - Expert in multiple 3D modeling platforms
Web Design - programming in HTML, javascript, & CGI/PERL
Network Infrastructure - Hardware, software, servers, TCP/IP,
Audio Visual Design and Implementation
In my free time I love spending time with my amazing wife, Meghan and daughter, Maeve.
I am a huge Disney fan and can never go too long without a trip to the Magic Kingdom.
LEGOs are the best toy ever invented and I one day dream of spending my days playing with them.
I love home renovations and we are on are 3rd (and hopefully final if you ask my wife) house in 8 years.
I am a Cincinnatian at heart and love my home town & the great strides we have made over the past decades!